Heavy Rain | Информация о группе, исполнителе: новости, статьи, рецензии, отчеты, обзоры, афиша, концерты, фотографии, тексты и переводы песен, биографии, видео, клипы, лучшие песни, скачать mp3, аудио, комментарии, факты, обмен ссылками | British Wave

Heavy Rain


    Heavy Rain - Иваново

    Владимир Зайцев - вокал
    Роман Шаламов - бас-гитара
    Антон Комаров - гитара, бэк-вокал
    Евгений Карцев - ударные

    e-mail: heavyrain@bk.ru

    It seems sometimes that we all need to be purified, so let heavy rain wash all you thoughts away... It was back in 2002, when four friends decided to start a band called Heavy Rain. Back then none of them had a proper band experience, so they learnt to understand each other together. As their brothership was growing, they found special musical chemistry among them. This chemistry became an important part of bands life. Feeling it around helps Heavy Rain play wonderfull shows jamming, yelling and just expressing all their emotions. The bands original concept is depicting peoples feelings that can be hidden behind social standarts and stereotypes. Also we are really influenced by the powers of nature, such as rain, snow, wind, sky, ocean. We think these elements of nature live inside all of us and tell us what to do