Beneath the dance hall lights,
You seem a girl so sound,
Lights up the ground,
If you give up New York,
I'll give you Tenessee,
The only place to be
The cowboy's burning eyes,
Don't like the sight of me
To straight enough to breed
I like your point of view,
So don't you shy away
Ride out the wave (3x)
Ride out the wave (2x)
You had me holding on
Another time and place
Ride out the wave
Buried yourself away
The one and only face
Ride out the wave (3x)
Kings Of Leon - The Face | Тексты и переводы песен | British Wave
Kings Of Leon
- 2003 - Youth and Young Manhood
- 2004 - Aha Shake Heartbreak
- 2007 - Because of the Times
- 2008 - Only by the Night
- 2010 - Come Around Sundown
- 2013 - Mechanical Bull
Kings Of Leon - Mechanical Bull (2013)
Своими первыми двумя синглами Kings Of Leon не только не объяснили как будет звучать их альбом (после сравнительной неудачи "Come Around Sundown" перемены в творчестве "Королей" особенно важны), но и умудрились ввести фанатов в заблуждение