He knew what he wanted to say
But he did not want to word it
The dirty little Herbert
Was thinking an escape
But the place was well guarded
The guiltyness that started
Soon as the other part had stopped
D is for Delightful
And try and keep your trousers on
I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare
D is for...
Desperately trying to stimulate what it was that was alright
3 quarters of an hour ago
That had led him to be in a position
And every compromission
Another freak episode
He's nearing the brink but he thinks first
The parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene
He's nearing the brink but he thinks first
The parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene
He's nearing the brink but he thinks first
The parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene
He's nearing the brink but he thinks first
The parallel
I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare
D is for delightful
and try and keep your trousers on
you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare
Arctic Monkeys - D Is For Dangerous | Тексты и переводы песен | British Wave
Arctic Monkeys
- 2006 - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
- 2007 - Favourite Worst Nightmare
- 2009 - Humbug
- 2011 - Suck It and See
- 2013 - AM
- Аrctic Мonkeys: Внутри АМериканской мечты
Коктейли с Джошем Оммом, картины Эшера и фильмы Феллини – Аrctic Мonkeys прошли долгий путь от Шеффилда. Мэтт Уилкинсон разузнал, как ставший для них новым домом Лос-Анджелес наполнил грядущий альбом "АМ" сексуальностью - "R&B, глэм и "Transformer", или альбом Arctic Monkeys - "AM" трек за треком
- Arctic Monkeys - AM (2013)
Новый альбом Arctic Monkeys вполне можно назвать одним из самых ожидаемых релизов года, ведь сейчас группа явно на волне успеха: повышенное внимание прессы, статус хедлайнера на фестивале в Гластонбери, успех каждого выпускаемого сингла