He said you're just as boring as everyone else
When you tut and you moan
And you squeal and you squelch
He said that you're just as boring as everyone else
Nothing ever happens
Things replace things
Days replace days
Things replace things
She said I'm going use my teeth and my claws
She said I'm going use my teeth and my claws
She said I'm going use my teeth and my breasts
I'm gonna make it happen
She said
Run run run run run run
And you cannot run or ever, ever escape
You cannot run or ever hide it away
Something glorious is about to happen
The reckoning
They go you're just as boring as everyone else
When you tut and you moan
And you squeal and you squelch
They go you're just as boring as everyone else
Stuck past timing
The fear and the yearning
The fear and the consumption
The fear and the yearning
It's gonna eat you alive
They go...
And you cannot hide or ever, ever escape
And you cannot hide or ever put it away
Something glorious is about to happen
The reckoning
They go...
They say...
They go...
They say...
They go...
Why'd you have to get so hysterical?
Success, success, success is over
Why'd you have to get
So fucking useless
Play it cool boy
Play it cool
Bloc Party - Positive Tension | Тексты и переводы песен | British Wave
Bloc Party
- 2005 - Silent Alarm
- 2007 - A Weekend In The City
- 2008 - Intimacy
- 2012 - Four
- 30 фактов о группе Bloc Party, которые вы могли и не знать
Британская инди-рок группа Bloc Party уже на следующей неделе впервые посетит Россию с концертами, выступив 22 ноября в Санкт-Петербурге на сцене клуба ГлавClub и 23 ноября в Москве - в качестве хэдлайнеров фестиваля BlastFest '2012
- Bloc Party - Hymns (2016)
Первопроходцы андеграунда потеряли двух участников, наняли несколько новых и совершают мрачный, но одухотворенный поворот