I wanna get high, but I never could take the pain
'Cos it would blow away my soul like a hurricane
Like a one man band clapping in the pouring rain
If I know where I'm going, I don't know from where I came
Where we gonna be in summertime?
And are we gonna see the heavens shine
Like diamonds in the sky?
As soon as they come
The feelings they go
All alone, on a one way road
As soon as they come
The feelings they go
All alone, on a one way road
I wanna get high, but I really can't take the pain
'Cos it will blow away my soul like a hurricane
I'm like a one man band clapping in the pouring rain
If I know where I'm going, I don't know from where I came
Where we gonna be in summertime?
And are we gonna see the heavens shine
Like diamonds in the sky?
As soon as they come
The feelings they go
All alone, on a one way road
As soon as they come
The feelings they go
All alone, on a one way road
Oasis - One Way Road | Тексты и переводы песен | British Wave
- 1994 - Definitely Maybe
- 1995 - (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
- 1997 - Be Here Now
- 2000 - Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
- 2002 - Heathen Chemistry
- 2005 - Don't Believe the Truth
- 2008 - Dig Out Your Soul
- 20 лет альбому Oasis "(What’s the Story) Morning Glory?": Цитаты хаоса и история безумства
2 октября 1995 года британская рок-группа Oasis выпустила свой второй студийный альбом "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?", впоследствии завоевавший мир. Перед вами история альбома, рассказанная устами братьев Галлахер - 20 фактов о песне группы Oasis "Wonderwall", которые вы могли не знать
- Oasis: "Chasing The Sun" (1993-1997)
- Oasis - "Definitely Maybe". 20 лет спустя
- Великие песни нашего времени: Oasis – "Wonderwall"